This January has proved to be our busiest month yet. Both the commercial and direct orders have been flying in and we have been working every weekend just to keep up.
The weather certainly hasn't been kind to us either unfortunately our strawberry plants and lifter don't like working in the frozen ground so we have to wait for the warmer parts of the day.
Hopefully we will get time to start lifting some currant bushes again soon as this is a lot warmer job to do.
As the weather gets a bit warmer we aim do some planting videos. We are planning on doing how to videos for our strawberry plants, raspberry canes, currant and gooseberry bushes as well.. then as the season moves on we will also do follow up videos showing you how to continually care for your plants to help you get the best from them.
Keep a look out and if their is anything you would like us to include message us and we will look into it.
Thank you from Moore Berries.