Have you ever tried Pegasus we think you need to. Pegasus is a brilliant tasting mid to late season strawberry. It has a good resistance to verticillium wilt and mildew. This strawberry plant will not disappoint you with its large, sweet and perfectly shaped strawberries.
Pegasus is a perfect garden variety which are perfect for eating straight off the plant. If you are growing organically Pegasus is an excellent choice of strawberry and it also prefers heavier soils.
Strawberry | Pegasus Strawberry Plants
PriceFrom £7.50
Plant Size:
Height Up To 20cm (7.9in)
Spread Up To 30cm (11.8in)
Hardiness & Longevity:
Hardy Perennial
Ideal For:
Kitchen Garden
Wildlife Gardens
Flowering Months:
April & May
Harvesting Months:
June & July